Thursday, 14 July 2016

Goodbye My Brother, Goodbye My Friend

On the 5th of April 1992, Mrs. Ogubuike gave life to a baby boy who would grow up to bring light into the lives of those whom he was given the opportunity to meet on his short journey here on earth.
February 17, 2015. 
             It was on this day you gave up on everyone who cared about you. On everyone who loved you. On everyone who wanted to have a success story with you. You gave up on the people you touched their lives with your words and smile. You gave up on your dreams. You gave up on everyone and Everything that mattered to you. We got along so well, we fought, we laughed and you would always teach me physics. I remember after high school when you almost gave up writing your post-U.M.E exam to get into U.N.N, and we fought about it and you eventually wrote the exam and started school. I remember when you came to visit me (After your SAT result came out and you wanted to see me) with all the excitement about your result. I remember calling you and telling you I was going to Canada and you were so worried you would never see me again. Came home in 2011, and you came all the way to my village to see me (My Dad was pissed that day even though he was very warm and welcoming to you. That, night I got a lecture about marriage and why I can't marry my mate). December 22, 2015 you told me you that you would be going to your village to see your mother but I tried to stop you because my spirit wasn't okay with the trip. I wish you had listened to me when I begged you not to go to your village for Christmas. I wish you had listened when I pleaded with you not to have that surgery in that Hospital, Our last conversation which was on the 15th of February at exactly 2AM where you said "I am getting better" still confuses me and I am still waiting because People who say "I am getting better" don't die. Your fears and questions in high school about God, Hell and Heaven; I hope are being answered by God himself. I miss you everyday. I always pray you would send me a message on whats-app just to say it was all a prank. I wish you could read all this, I wish you would smile at me one more time..... I can't even cry anymore but my heart still bleeds. I believe God took you away so soon because He is saving you from something worse. I am glad I met you when I did, and I am grateful you touched my life in a positive way. Continue to Rest In Peace Tobechukwu.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Phenylketonuria (PKU)

               Phenylketonuria is a rare inherited disorder. It is the inability of the body to metabolize phenyalanine (an Amino Acid), which causes brain damage and nerve damage if left untreated. It can be detected early in new born babies by screening them as soon as they are born and this babies, adults and children are put on a strict low-diet proteins foods. PKU is caused by the absence of phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme activity which is due to a mutation in a gene on chromosome 12. 
                A sweetener called "ASPARTAME" can also be poisonous for people with phenylketonuria. PKU is a rare disorder but is very important to identify. With early detection and consistent treatment, its damaging effects can be minimized and patients can have a normal life span with normal mental development. The best known treatment is a strict phenyalanine-restricted diet supplement prepared using a medical formula which contains amino acids and other nutrients. PKU is not a result of the environment or effects of the parents actions, it is inherited by the child if both parents have at least one mutated allele for the phenyalanine hydroxylase enzyme gene (the child needs to inherit 2 mutated gene in order to test positive for PKU). Most parents who are carriers of this mutation are not aware because they have no medical condition that determines its existence in them. If both parents are carriers, there is a 25% chance of birthing a child with the disorder, 50% chance of birthing a carrier and a 25% of birthing a child who is neither a carrier nor would he/she have the disorder.
               To screen for PKU; it is done by bacterial inhibition assay, immunoassays using fluorometric or photo-metric detection or by amino acid detection using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The measurement done using MS/MS determines the concentration of Phe and the ratio of Phenylalanine (Phe) to Tyrosine (Tyr), the ratio is always high in PKU. It is always impossible to test for PKU at the birth of a baby because the baby would have a normal birth due to the fact that the mother's body breaks down phenylalanine during pregnancy thus there are no detectable damages done to the baby.
A routine newborn screening test is performed 2-7 days after the birth of the baby before a phenylalanine restricted diet has been introduced and blood samples are taken by "neonatal heel prick". The phenylalanine levels in the blood will increase over time, toxic levels of phenylalanine and an insufficient levels of tyrosine in the infant interferes with infant envelopment which causes permanent effects.

                                 Clinical presentations of the disease include;

  • Seizures
  • Hypo-pigmentation (i.e, excessive fair hair and skin)
  • musty odor to sweat and urine (this is due to phenylacetate, which is a carboxylic acid produced by the oxidation of phenylketone). It is usually advisable to have a repeat test at approximately two weeks of age to verify the initial test.
  • Hyperactivity
  • EEG abnormalities
  • Eczema (skin rash)
  • Microcephaly
  • Severe learning disabilities.

            When children are left untreated, they fail to attain early developmental milestones and they develop microcephaly and exhibit progressive impairment of cerebral function. The damage done to the brain during the first months of life is irreversible. PKU is not a curable disorder but can be managed by controlling the level of Phe in the diet or through a combination of diet and medication.
An allowable limit of 2mg/dL to 6mg/dL is recommended in the first 10 years of the child in order for the brain to develop normally.
A PKU diet requires the restriction of foods high in Phenylalanine such as soybeans, seal meat, egg white, shrimps, chicken breast, spirulina, watercress, fish, nuts, crayfish, tuna, turkey, lobster, elk meat, legumes, low-fat cottage cheese e.t.c. 
             A food diary is used to keep track of the amount of Phe consumed with each meal, snack or drink. A lower-protein "medical food" is usually substituted for grain-based foods, bread and pasta. Fruits and vegetables are very low in Phe, therefore can be eaten in large quantities. An infant can be breastfed but in smaller quantity in order for the infant to get the required nutrients it needs and any other missing nutrient is replaced through supplementation. A supplementary protein substitute formulas are prescribed for classical PKU patients starting from infancy which provides the amino acids and other necessary nutrients that would other-wise be lacking in a low-phenyalanine diet.                    Tyrosine which is required for the brain function is always supplemented. Tyrosine is derived from the breakdown of Phenyalanine. Women with PKU (although not at risk of additional complications during pregnancy) are advised to maintain low Phe levels before and during pregnancy for health benefits of their children. The intrauterine environment could have very high levels of phenylalanine which may cross the placenta to the developing fetus and the fetus may develop congenital heart disease, growth retardation, microcephaly and intellectual disability. The mother's daily Phe intake could double or triple by the end of her pregnancy. When the maternal blood Phe levels fall below 2mg/dL, her anecdotal reports indicate that the mothers may suffer adverse effects like headaches, nausea, hair loss, and general malaise. 
When low levels of Phe are maintained for the duration of pregnancy, there are no elevated levels of risk of birth defects when compared to a baby of a non-PKU mother.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

The Joy of Love

A friend of mine shared this with me, and I felt I should share it with you all.

Love endures all things

118.  Panta hypoménei.  This means that love bears every trial with a positive attitude.  It stands firm in hostile surroundings.  This “endurance” involves not only the ability to tolerate certain aggravations, but something greater: a constant readiness to confront any challenge.  It is a love that never gives up, even in the darkest hour. It shows a certain dogged heroism, a power to resist every negative current, an irrepressible commitment to goodness.  Here I think of the words of Martin Luther King, who met every kind of trial and tribulation with fraternal love: “The person who hates you most has some good in him; even the nation that hates you most has some good in it; even the race that hates you most has some good in it.  And when you come to the point that you look in the face of every man and see deep down within him what religion calls ‘the image of God’, you begin to love him in spite of [everything].  No matter what he does, you see God’s image there.  There is an element of goodness that he can never sluff off…  Another way that you love your enemy is this: when the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you must not do it…  When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems.  Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system…  Hate for hate only intensifies the existence of hate and evil in the universe.  If I hit you and you hit me and I hit you back and you hit me back and so on, you see, that goes on ad infinitum.  It just never ends.  Somewhere somebody must have a little sense, and that’s the strong person.  The strong person is the person who can cut off the chain of hate, the chain of evil…  Somebody must have religion enough and morality enough to cut it off and inject within the very structure of the universe that strong and powerful element of love”.114

119. In family life, we need to cultivate that strength of love which can help us fight every evil threatening it.  Love does not yield to resentment, scorn for others or the desire to hurt or to gain some advantage.  The Christian ideal, especially in families, is a love that never gives up.  I am sometimes amazed to see men or women who have had to separate from their spouse for their own protection, yet, because of their enduring conjugal love, still try to help them, even by enlisting others, in their moments of illness, suffering or trial.  Here too we see a love that never gives up.

Pope Francis "The Joy of Love"

Friday, 29 April 2016


A letter to Women

Here's a beautiful reflection on the creation of woman, and her role in marriage, and how precious they are to God.

"When God created the heavens and the earth, He spoke them into existence. When He created man, He formed him and breathed life into man trough his nostrils. But you, woman was fashioned after God breathed the breath of life into man for your nostrils are too delicate. From one bone He fashioned you, the bone that protects man's life. He chose the rib which protects his heart and lungs and supports him as we are meant to do.
 He created us perfectly and beautifully. Our characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. We are to provide protection for the most delicate organ in the man "His Heart". We were not taken from his feet to be under him, nor were we taken from his head, to be above him. We were taken from his side to stand beside him and to be held close to his side. Your eyes....... don't change them; your lips..... are so lovely when they part in prayers; your nose.....very perfect in form; your gentle to touch. He has caressed our face in our deepest sleep. Everything God wanted Adam to share and experience with him, He fashioned into us: His holiness, His strength, His purity, His love, His protection and support. We are special because we are an extension of Him (Our Creator). W should aim to be like the woman described in Proverbs 31.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Food-borne Diseases/Illnesses(F.B.I)/Food Contamination/Food poisoning

What is food poisoning/Food-borne illness?
            This is any illness that results from consuming food that has been contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms or disease causing organisms. Symptoms include Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramp, diarrhea, fever.
Food-borne illness usually occurs during improper handling, preparation and storage of the food. Some of the disease.
Food Infection: these are foods that contain bacteria or other microbes that can infect the body after consumption.
Food Intoxication occurs when food that contains toxins including bacteria produced exotoxins has been consumed. In this situation, the bacteria that causes the toxin can no longer cause any infection or is not present anymore.
Food Contamination is the presence of harmful chemicals, micro-organisms in food which can cause illness when consumed. In chemical contamination, the impact is usually often noticed after so many years of processing with prolonged exposure at low levels e.g. Cancer.

1. Environmental Contaminants:
This are chemicals that come into the environment accidentally or intentionally but always as a result of human activity. They are found in the environment in which food is grown, harvested, transported, processed & packaged, and stored. Majority of the time, these contaminants are manufactured for industrial use and does not break down easily but when released into the environment, they get into the food chain. Although, some environmental contaminants are naturally-occurring chemicals but due to industrial activity, there is an increase in their mobility and an increase in the amount available for the circulation in the environment thus enabling their entry into the food chain at higher levels than would otherwise occur.
These are residues found in food usually from cleaning agents, fertilizers/pesticides, mercury(fish), contaminants in soil (e.g. cadmium, Perchlorates), packaging materials [e.g., Bisphenol A (BPA) - usually found in plastic containers], Antimony, Tin, Lead, Benzophenone, Isopropyl thiaxanthone, Food-processing induced chemicals (e.g. Dioxins and Furans, Acrylamide, Chloropropanols), Bromate, Per fluorinated chemicals in food, Brominated flame retardants etc.).

2. Natural Toxins: 
They are naturally produced by living organisms. Although this toxins are not harmful to the organism themselves, they are toxic to other creatures when consumed.
Examples are:
a. Bivalve Molluscan Shellfish (clams and oysters) - They are filter feeders and accumulate neurotoxins called "Saxitoxins"(i.e., if large numbers of toxic algae are present in the water where they dwell, then the shellfish accumulates high levels of this toxin. An example of a toxin producing algae is the "red tide"). The consumption can cause "Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning" and affects the Nervous system. It is fatal in extreme cases particularly in children and immunocompromised individuals. 
Symptoms usually appear 10-30 mins after consumption and may include; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tingling or burning lips, gums, neck, face, confused or slurred speech, shortness of breath and loss of coordination could be possible.
b. Ciguatera: It is a toxin produced by dinoflagellates (certain type of marine algae found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world). Ciguatoxin is tasteless and odorless and cannot be removed by conventional cooking. It is sometimes misdiagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis. Its hallmark symptoms are; Gastrointestinal such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea while the neurological symptoms include; headache, muscle ache, ataxia, numbness, hallucinations and vertigo.
Symptoms may last from weeks to years and can lead to long-term disability. It is seen in Large Reef fish that feeds on other smaller fish like barracuda, jacks, king mackerel and large groupers & snappers. Intravenous Mannitol has been suggested for use to treat the symptoms.
c. Scombrotoxic fish Poisoning: This type of toxin is formed when the histamine on the fish flesh begins to decay. It is caused by improper handling of the fish. Examples of fish species are; tuna, mackerel, mahi-mahi, bluefish, herring, marlin. Since the toxin is not destroyed by cooking, this food safety hazard must be prevented by making sure that these types of fish are kept cold (below 40°F) on ice or under refrigeration from the time that they are caught until they are eaten. The onset of symptoms begins 10-30mins of ingestion and they include; facial flushing/sweating, nausea, dizziness, burning/peppery taste sensations in the mouth or throat, headache, blurred vision, respiratory distress and swelling of the tongue. In rare cases, it results in death. Antihistamine and Epinephrine may be used to treat symptoms.
d. Amnesic shellfish poisoning: is a rare syndrome caused by a toxin made by a microscopic, red-brown, salt-water plant, or diatom called Nitzchia pungens. The toxin produced by these diatoms is concentrated in shellfish such as mussels and causes disease when the contaminated shellfish are eaten. Patients first experience gastrointestinal distress within 24 hours after eating the contaminated shellfish. Other reported symptoms have included dizziness, headache, disorientation, and permanent short-term memory loss. In severe poisoning, seizures, focal weakness or paralysis, and death may occur.
3. Physical Contaminants/hazards:
            They include dirt, staples, hair, broken glass, nails, bones or bits of packaging etc. Foods can be contaminated physically at any stage of production when an object is mixed with the food. This objects could injure or may carry potential harmful bacteria, also food ingredients may also cause the contamination.
4. Biological Contaminants: 
            They include microorganisms such as Bacteria, Viruses, Yeasts, Mold, and Parasites. They could be very deadly when ingested. Proper handling techniques are required during preparation and storage of food.
5. Mycotoxin: It is a toxic chemical compound produced by fungi that readily colonize crops. 
            a. Aflatoxins are a type of mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus species of fungi, such as A. flavus and A. parasiticus. The umbrella term aflatoxin refers to four different types of mycotoxins produced, which are B1, B2, G1, and G2. Aflatoxin B1, the most toxic, is a potent carcinogen and has been directly correlated to adverse health effects, such as liver cancer, in many animal species. Aflatoxins are largely associated with commodities produced in the tropics and subtropics, such as cottonpeanutsspicespistachios, and maize.
b. Citrinin is a toxin that was first isolated from Penicillium citrinum, but has been identified in over a dozen species of Penicillium and several species of Aspergillus. Some of these species are used to produce human foodstuffs such as cheese (Penicillium camemberti), sake, miso, and soy sauce (Aspergillus oryzae). Citrinin is associated with yellowed rice disease in Japan and is nephrotoxic in all animal species tested. Although it is associated with many human foods (wheatricecornbarleyoatsrye, and food colored with Monascus pigment) its full significance for human health is unknown. Citrinin can also act synergistically with Ochratoxin A to depress RNA synthesis in murine kidneys.
c. Ochratoxin is a mycotoxin that comes in three secondary metabolite forms, A, B, and C. All are produced by Penicillium and Aspergillus species. The three forms differ in that Ochratoxin B (OTB) is a non-chlorinated form of Ochratoxin A (OTA), and that Ochratoxin C (OTC) is an ethyl ester form Ochratoxin A. Aspergillus ochraceus is a contaminant of a wide range of commodities including beverages such as beer and wine. Aspergillus carbonarius is the main species found on vine fruit, which releases its toxin during the juice making process. OTA has been labeled as a carcinogen and a nephrotoxin, and has been linked to tumors in the human urinary tract, although research in humans is limited by confounding factors.
d. Patulin is a toxin produced by the P.expansum, Aspergillus, Penicillium, and P. aecilomyces fungal species.  P.expansum is especially associated with a range of moldy fruits and vegetables, in particular rotting apples and figs. It is destroyed by the fermentation process and so is not found in apple beverages, such as cider. Although patulin has not been shown to be carcinogenic, it has been reported to damage the immune system in animals. In 2004, the European Community set limits to the concentrations of patulin in food products. It currently stands at 50 μg/kg in all fruit juice concentrations, at 25 μg/kg in solid apple products used for direct consumption, and at 10 μg/kg for children's apple products, including apple juice.
e. Fusarium:  Toxins are produced by over 50 species of Fusarium and have a history of infecting the grain of developing cereals such as wheat and maize. They include a range of mycotoxins, such as: the Trichothecenes, which are most strongly associated with chronic and fatal toxic effects in animals and humans; and Zearalenone, which is not correlated to any fatal toxic effects in animals or humans. Some of the other major types of Fusarium toxins include: beauvercin and enniatins, butenolide, equisetin, and fusarins.
f. Ergot Alkaloids: are compounds produced as a toxic mixture of alkaloids in the sclerotia of species of Claviceps, which are common pathogens of various grass species. The ingestion of ergot sclerotia from infected cereals, commonly in the form of bread produced from contaminated flour, cause ergotism the human disease historically known as St. Anthony's fire. 
There are two forms of ergotism: gangrenous, affecting blood supply to extremities, and convulsive, affecting the central nervous system. Modern methods of grain cleaning have significantly reduced ergotism as a human disease, however it is still an important veterinary problem. Ergot alkaloids have been used for pharmaceutical purposes. 

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a seven step procedure used to ensure that finished food is safe for consumption.


This is a touchy subject.
    Separation and Divorce is a big concern in our society. If i remember clearly, in the old days, the only people allowed to divorce were the men. All they needed to do was give their wife a certificate of divorce and let them leave. Now both parties can divorce because of Adultery, or because he/she is not caring, or he/she is abusive (mentally, physically and emotionally) and due to abandonment.
The sacrament of Matrimony has been under attack by modernism where the man is no longer allowed to be the head of the family. When two people battle to the captain of a ship, the ship sinks (I think this is where submission and slavery are being mixed up). Every role has its function and to be the head of a family/household, the man must know his roles/duties which are to: instruct the children to have proper morals, values, principles, and correct them of any wrongdoings they are prone to. The head of the family must protect the family both physically and spiritually and demonstrate strength and courage but still reveal his love for them. Above all, he must lead by example; do good to others, respect authority and treat thy spouse with love and respect. The head of the family must pray for his family and tend to their needs. More importantly, praying with your children helps conform their hearts which would later help them in life. The sacrament of Marriage must be respected and revered and it is therefore each others duty to ensure they both help one another get to heaven. Being selfish in our desires allows darkness into our marriages. The Grace of God is to be relied upon in order for marriages to succeed because it is not going to be a happy journey all through but with the help of God it would be filled with Joy and not despair. In the sacrament of holy matrimony, we are called to be committed; this type of commitment calls for an unselfish heart, tender love and where generosity blossoms. Husbands and wives are called to cherish their spouse in mutual affection and  understanding of each others imperfections (Unconditional Love). Humility is key for any marriage to be successful. Rather than seek for thy spouse to serve thee, it is better to desire to be a servant of thy spouse.
Why do marriages fail?
Marriages fail because most often many of us enter into marriages for the wrong reasons. This may be due to "Self Interest" - because of age, because of loneliness, peer-pressure and need for children. Praying regularly as a family helps keep the roots of detestation which destroys the sacrament of marriage away.
Of all the destructors, the greatest is PRIDE. This leads to desiring thy own will, never seeking or wanting to listen to thy spouse. The "I am always RIGHT attitude". Another key destructor is DISOBEDIENCE, this leads to unfaithfulness. DISRESPECT, this leads to separation. STUBBORNNESS, leads to division. IMPATIENCE,leads to rash decisions. ANGER, leads to poor decisions. SLOTHFULNESS, which cause sorrow to thy spouse. Other types of destructors are; Abuse to thy spouse be it words or actions, Being Judgmental of thy spouse, Ridiculing of thy spouse and YES! Third Party Interference (It could be positive or negative but majority of the time, it has always been NEGATIVE).
The Sacrament of Marriage and the Ten Commandments: 
                      The 6th commandment; "THOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY"
   This commandment has been violated in many forms and ways. It has been violated through words of impurity, through thoughts of sinful, ungodly desires and in actual act. This on its own could call down from Heaven the JUST PUNISHMENT of God.
Mathew 5:28 "But I say to you everyone who looks at a wo(man) with lustful intents has already committed ADULTERY with him/her in his/her heart."
Mathew 7:20-23 And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
          One must understand that before entering such vocation, seeking the face of God (will of God) is important.  It is important that we do not become anxious for when we do, the devil can lead us to a path of complete emptiness which sometimes we do not realize. Therefore in all things, we wait for the divine providence of God for with his wisdom he maketh our path of life clear and leads us to our proper spouse. When we allow the HOLY SPIRIT of God move in our lives, we are consumed by his light and we shall gain WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING which leads RIGHTEOUSNESS and HAPPINESS. "Many of our youth do not seek guidance from God for they are content with the guidance of the dark side of life, thus build up relationships without being properly prepared in faith and morals. The DOWNFALL of the youth is their FREEDOM FROM RESPONSIBILITY", thus the spiritual life becomes stagnant which brings upon the spirit of darkness that leads us down the corridor of destruction. 
The sixth Commandment commands us to have pure thoughts and to be modest in our appearance, words, and actions. The greatest battle within our lives is with Ourselves, thus we need to understand that the soul is willing to be faithful but the flesh is weak and strong temptations can cripple even the strongest of men. Through our senses, the attacks shall come. Therefore it is fruitless to guard only one sense and not the others. There must be a greater form of communication between husband and wife to prevent frequent violation of the sixth commandment.
Hebrews 13: 4 "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge."  
1Cor. 7:5 "Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." Frequent offences of the sixth commandment includes but are not limited to: lusting over one another, improper sexual conduct with another, looking at pornographic images, videos and books, impure thoughts, impure actions, impure words, e.t.c.
1Cor. 7:9 "But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion." (I question this verse a lot though)
         Covet means to desire something enviously that belongs to another. We must battle our emotions  which the flesh causes thus cannot let our emotions be our guide in our spiritual journey. Some of the reasons we violate the 9th commandments are; money, greed, envy, jealousy, discontentment, hardships, unsatisfying desires and lack of self-respect. We must be on guard at all times, we cannot entertain another's spouse (although we have to treat them with complete respect, dignity but never entertain them with words of companionship). Many at times men and women mislead one's spouse into confusion, causing despair, distress and sometimes separation. HOW?, If the love of God is in us, it will be visible to those we speak with; many times we desire this love from our spouses but because our spouse has not grown in their faith to give such love, they tend to seek comfort from those who give such love and in turn the violation of the 9th commandment takes place.

Lust and Proper Attraction:
      Marriage must not be based on Lust. It must be based in God for in His Infinite Goodness, He created man first and He saw that he needed a companion. And thus came forth from Adam's rib the WOMAN, therefore the attraction must clearly not be sinful. It must not be for the fleshy pleasures but for the virtue in one's life. Without Faith, Hope, and Charity within the person, suffering shall come with trial after trial. We must therefore seek purity with our whole heart, mind, soul and will. If Lust dwells in our marriage, there is little hope for the success of the marriage due to the powerful impulses lust will cause. St. Francis of Assisi experienced weakness in his heart and flesh and began to lust for Saint Clare, but because he knew lust displeased God, he cast himself into a thorn of bush in order to distract his mind from his lustful thoughts. 

In order to succeed in the sacrament of marriage, one must have a bigger understanding that the sacrament is bigger than self and has more responsibilities than any other obligation, contract, thus cannot fail in our love for God and our Spouse. I therefore tell you that the sacrament must be treated with reverence, we must seek to love, not to be loved; seek to give, not to receive.  We must strive to make our spouse happy and in their joy they will seek to bring joy into our hearts; for it is in giving that we receive.

Culled from: The Sacrament of Marriage: A covenant with God 
(God Help us all).

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, Sources and Functions

I would start by defining Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals/Natural Health Products.

Functional Food is any food that is similar in appearance to or may be a conventional food which is consumed as part of a normal diet and has been shown to have physiological benefits and /or reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic nutritional functions (Health Canada, 1999).

Functional food is a natural processed food that contains biologically-active compounds which when consumed in a quantitative and qualitative amounts provides a clinically proven health benefit and therefore is an important source in the prevention, management and treatment of chronic diseases (Wikipedia, 2016).

Nutraceutical is a product which has been isolated or purified from foods that are usually sold in medicinal forms that are not usually associated with food. It is demonstrated to have a physiological benefit or provide protection against chronic disease (Health Canada, 1999).

Nutraceuticals are products that have been derived from food sources that give extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional values found in them (Tomislav, 2016).

Antioxidants are defined as molecules that inhibit the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction which produces free radicals that leads to further chain of reactions that damages the cell. An example of an antioxidants are Vit. C and Vit. E.

You would say "why are you writing this?", Well I was hoping to inform my fellow Nigerians basically because of the type of food products/Medicinal products that come into the country and the rate at  which people market them and consume them. They say Knowledge is Power and therefore I would Love to empower my fellow Nigerians with the Little I have learnt as a Nutrition Student at the University of Manitoba.

I will list as many functional foods as I can, its sources and functions. I will also list as many antioxidants as I can.

Functional Foods, Sources and its Functions.
1. Lycopene is a functional food found in tomatoes and this helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer and other types of Cancer.
2. Saponins found in Oats, oatmeal help reduce the Total and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterols and also lower blood pressure.
3. Isoflavones, soy protein and genistein found in soy products (e.g., soy-nuts, edamame, soybeans, and tofu) help reduce the total blood cholesterol and the LDL.
4. Omega-3 FA (DHA and EPA) found in fish (salmon, Tuna, Halibut, sardine, trout) reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
5. Plant Sterols and Stanol Esters found in fortified margarines like Bencol, and also margarines from plant sterols (Becel) help reduce the total cholesterol and reduce LDL especially with people with high Cholesterol.
6. Lactobacillus (probiotics) found in cultured/fermented yogurt (i.e. yogurt that has been fermented using a probiotic), fermented soy product e.g. tempeh. It helps boost immune system and also supports the gastrointestinal health.
7. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs) and Vit. E(an antioxidant) found in nuts such as peanuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, they help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
8. Resveratrol found in grape juice and red wine(serving size of 5 ounces/day) has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease (research has not really proven if it reduces the risk of cancer therefore it is advisable to refrain from consuming).
9. Carotenoids, sulforaphanes, apigenin, and lutein/zeaxanthin found in leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and broccoli, prevents carcinogens from entering cells, enhances immune function.

List of Antioxidants:
1. Dark Chocolates
2. Green Tea
3. Grapes
4. Blueberries
5. Nuts
6. Sweet potatoes
7. Orange vegetables
8. Dark green vegetables
9. Whole grains
10. Beans
11. Fish

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Why do men abroad prefer to go back home to pick a wife

                   So, i have come across many Nigerian men who would prefer to go home and marry a wife they haven't seen in 3 years and sometimes 12 years than marrying a girl in the same city or neighborhood as them. This is now a common practice for both men and women living outside Nigeria and even the ones who live in the country.
                  The men say "the women here are bad, they can't cook, they are not submissive, they are rude, they know too much about the laws, they can't be controlled" and the women say "the men are not serious, they just want someone to sleep with and go home to pick a wife, they are too controlling" e.t.c. When these men/women go home and bring a wife, they always end up getting the opposite of what they want. I believe being a good person is a personal choice and through God's Grace. Being a good wife/husband is also a personal choice and God's help. It has nothing to do with upbringing (Some people can have the right upbringing and still live a horrible life) and never will.
                 I decided to ask my own friends who are married (went back to Nigeria to get a wife) why they prefer going home. Some of the reasons i got to know about are;
1. They would prefer someone they knew in university days because they can relate better
2. The mentality of Nigeria women back home is better than the ones born and raised here ( I asked about the ones who only came to get a university degree,whether 1st or 2nd degree).........
3. They would prefer to teach the woman
4. She is more submissive
Please do add more to my list if you have any reason.......

Mirroring Oneself

                        I have heard so many ladies talk about how they caused the break-up or ruined their relationship and so on. Sisters please i have met women who did worse than you did and the guy still married them. And those who started after marriage but the man stayed in the marriage.
Yes we all do something that is unforgivable every time but God still forgives. How can a man want a loyal, honest and God-fearing woman when he is not even close to what he asked for (same applies to the women)?. That saying "You are who you attract" is something to really think about.
                        Before i go further i would want to ask a few questions, why do women always talk about finance when describing a man? Isn't it enough that he is kind-hearted and loving? Yes no one wants to suffer but have you ever thought about the fact your father didn't marry your mother when he was flamboyant? Love should be unconditional i believe. 
I would like more input on this matter under the comment section.
Thank you.